If you’re an active duty military member or a veteran, you are eligible for AINIDOLL Hero discounts. We have coupons, discounts and exclusive sale offers for just about anything you could think of in our stores. If you know what you want, just contact us, we will make our best offers.

If you’re 65 years or older, you are eligible for AINIDOLL Senior discounts. We want you to have a companion and happy. If you know what you want, just contact us, we will make our best offers.

A person who makes few mistakes makes little progress. Since we are constantly updating our site and list new models, there is a good chance we may mistake. However, we have a lot of customers with a warm heart. And we are listening.

If you find any typos, miss information, or have any suggestions about our website, please let us know. If we take your suggestions, we will offer a store credit rewards up to $100.

Everyone has friend. We appreciate if you want to share our website with your friend.

Simply login your account and go to dashboard. You will find a referral URL. You can send this link to your friend. Once she or he makes a purchase, we will reward each of you up to $100 depends on the doll type. This program is for registered customer only.

Are you a good writer who is always fascinated with dolls? Here is your chance.

As you can see, we have a back story on some of our product pages. The story usually matches the doll’s personality and can help our readers to build up their imagination. Since we have more and more doll selections listed on our site, we are not able to put a unique story for new dolls we have. 

If you are interested in writing, you can send the story you write to us. We will be happy to publish your masterpiece on our site. For each publication, we will reward $25 store credits up to $50.

We create this program to give our doll lovers a chance to share their imaginations with others.

We currently hold a review program powered by cusrev.com. Each time after you make a purchase, you will receive a review invitation. We will take your feedback seriously.

For each customer who provides a review successfully, we will offer a store credit of $25-$50. The review doesn’t have to be positive and you don’t have to make up anything to get the store credits.

If you want to post it somewhere externally, please contact our customer service.

p.s. due to our payment processor’s restriction, we currently list all smaller dolls under 148cm mainly at mysmartdoll.com.