Sex doll isn’t all about sex – A man with dolls in his life (Part 2)

Sex doll isn’t all about sex – A man with dolls in his life (Part 2)

James became our customers in May of 2021. He has already purchased two dolls from us. He wasn’t happy with his life before, but we are happy to see he is back on his feet again with our dolls be part of his life.

Here we won’t share too many details about his stories for his privacy, but we have his permissions to share some of his comments.

Comments from James for what it feels like to have dolls in daily life:

I have infinite pictures, I absolutely love these girls, you have no idea, I’m so protective of them as if they were my real lost loved ones that I once had.

Well, I didn’t do anything wrong to be betrayed by my lover and I was planning on growing old with her and I was already struggling with post trauma, and she destroyed my life. I’m completely alone in the world and I found myself happy with my new love interest in the doll. It’s horrible but it’s also an awesome thing that I can choose everything about her, and I could possibly have a different perfect unique girl every night of the week if I want to. Most of all I’m safe and not being thrown out every night or lied to or cheated on etc., Lisa left me behind every winter, and she was a liar, and she killed my life and my heart. Ainidoll won’t be doing that to me anymore. I’m just so glad I found you and her. I’m actually in tears right now you have no idea what I have been through it’s so horrible. Anyway, I live to spoil these dolls and Lisa was ungrateful as I would have died for her and instead, I almost died because of her. It’s nice to look forward to seeing my girls after work and I can’t wait to see them.

I continue to spoil them both lol I got that and then I painted her nails and did lipstick on her and when I change their clothes and brush hair etc. I spent 3 hours or more every time I change the outfits and grooming them. Anyway, I’m becoming closer to Anais every day and Galatea is a Greek Goddess lol, the name Galatea means milk white girl and Anais is a French girl’s name which means popularity and it’s incredibly appropriate and perfectly original for me and I absolutely love them both and it’s a problem lol I’m completely in love with Ainais and Galatea is ridiculously cute and attractive. I can’t share this with anyone else because they wouldn’t understand and they don’t know what I have lived through, although I did tell my siblings and two other friends, nobody would truly understand, and I don’t wish that on them as I’m so traumatized. Anyway, I just wanted to tell you again that I wish I found this solution many years ago and I can’t thank you enough for the discounts and your extra patient help with me. I’m just so happy for the first time in many years. As a good man I feel guilty if I give attention to Galatea and I’m feeling guilty for wanting to get Siren next. If I was wealthy, I’d have about six of them and I just might someday if I can get the money to do this. I’m a happy man!

Those pics don’t have very high resolutions or even blur since they were sent over text messages. However, we know they are pics with love.


Sex is a part of love, but love is not all about sex. So are our dolls. What do you think? Would you invite dolls in your life?

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