Over the years, we’ve proudly helped thousands of satisfied customers find quality companion dolls, many at affordable prices. We understand, though, that smaller companion dolls can be controversial in certain communities and regions. Many of our customers are grateful to have found a lightweight, lifelike companion doll that suits their needs, while others question why we offer these smaller models. We believe in providing quality products for those who need them and have seen how much joy and comfort these companion dolls can bring.

Why Offer Smaller Companion Dolls?

One of the biggest challenges with companion dolls is weight. This is especially true for senior customers and those with physical limitations. For example, we once had a customer who purchased a 90-pound lifelike companion doll. Being wheelchair-bound, he ended up needing a separate wheelchair just to manage the doll.

Smaller companion dolls, typically weighing between 30 and 50 pounds, are much easier to handle, especially for people who need a more user-friendly, lightweight option. Though we considered discontinuing smaller dolls multiple times since 2020, we kept them available for those who rely on their accessibility and manageability.

What Does “Young-Looking” Mean?

Many people, including law enforcement, have asked us, “How old are your dolls supposed to be?” The reality is that companion dolls don’t have ages. Smaller or miniature dolls are simply scaled-down versions of full-size companion dolls. We use the same molds, adjusting only the size and weight. Some misunderstandings have led to myths that we use inappropriate models, which couldn’t be further from the truth. Companion dolls are crafted with various body types, facial features, and other customization options. Our focus is always on creating lifelike, comforting companions with nothing to do with inappropriate intent.

Our New Direction

Starting next week, we will no longer promote smaller or “young-looking” companion dolls. These products have always brought in less profit than full-sized options and were retained to support customers needing lightweight companion dolls, especially seniors. However, the misunderstandings surrounding these products have begun to impact our business. To continue serving our customers in a healthy business environment, we’ve made the tough decision to discontinue these products.

What If I Still Need a Smaller Companion Doll?

If you’re concerned about the weight of a full-size doll or have specific physical needs, please reach out. We can still connect you directly with overseas suppliers and stand behind these products as we always have. 

At this point, we will still make the small dolls at mysmartdoll.com available. Please don’t miss your chance.

Thank you for your understanding and support as we make this transition!

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